"C’est injustice de voir qu’un père vieux, cassé et demi - mort jouisse seul, à un coin du foyer, des biens qui suffiraient à l’avancement et entretien de plusieurs enfants, et qu’il les laisse cependant, par faute de moyens, perdre leurs meilleures années sans se pousser au service public et connaissance des hommes." Les Essais II, Montaigne

Le Réseau EIDLL "Économie Internationale de la Longévité", créé en 2018, regroupe 26 centres de recherche et 4 institutions affiliées en économie du vieillissement pour contribuer au développement de la recherche et des échanges sur le sujet.

Plus d'informations : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

"It is unjust to see an aged father, broken (or in his dotage) and only half alive, stuck in his chimney-corner with the absolute possession of enough wealth to help and maintain several children, allowing them all this time to waste their best years without means of advancement in the public service and of making themselves better known." Les Essais II, Montaigne

The "International Longevity Economics" (EIDLL) Network was created in 2018. It gathers 26 research centres and 4 affiliated institutions in ageing econoomics. Its aim is to favour exchanges and foster research on ageing economics.

More at : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

January 16, 2025

Debates & News

The major debate "How to face the challenges of loss of autonomy ?" organized by the TDTE Chair will take place on Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 from 5:00 pm and will be broadcast live. 

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Series of seminars: "At the foundation of a policy of autonomy: the 5th branch, what for?" organized by LISA (Laboratoire d'Idées Santé Autonomie) in partnership with the Institut Droit et Santé (University of Paris). Third web conference session on the theme of "Financing" on July 8, 2020, from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.

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Books, Articles & Working Papers

ILVV (Institut de la longévité, des vieillesses et du vieillissement) focused in its June 2020 edition of the "Research on Aging Newsletter", produced in collaboration with the Cnav, on the theme of Aging with HIV.

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