"C’est injustice de voir qu’un père vieux, cassé et demi - mort jouisse seul, à un coin du foyer, des biens qui suffiraient à l’avancement et entretien de plusieurs enfants, et qu’il les laisse cependant, par faute de moyens, perdre leurs meilleures années sans se pousser au service public et connaissance des hommes." Les Essais II, Montaigne

Le Réseau EIDLL "Économie Internationale de la Longévité", créé en 2018, regroupe 26 centres de recherche et 4 institutions affiliées en économie du vieillissement pour contribuer au développement de la recherche et des échanges sur le sujet.

Plus d'informations : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

"It is unjust to see an aged father, broken (or in his dotage) and only half alive, stuck in his chimney-corner with the absolute possession of enough wealth to help and maintain several children, allowing them all this time to waste their best years without means of advancement in the public service and of making themselves better known." Les Essais II, Montaigne

The "International Longevity Economics" (EIDLL) Network was created in 2018. It gathers 26 research centres and 4 affiliated institutions in ageing econoomics. Its aim is to favour exchanges and foster research on ageing economics.

More at : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

January 16, 2025

Debates & News

Permanent call for papers: "Seniors and Covid-19" for the CNAV journal Gérontologie et société (Gerontology and society). No closing date.

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Call for papers: “Ageing in place : Contribution of foreign experiences and international comparisons” for the CNAV journal Gérontologie et société (Gerontology and society). Deadline for submission extended to: July 1, 2020.

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Call for papers: "Ageing and Territory" for the new project on Vulnerabilities at Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS) in Lille. Deadline for submission extended to: June 24, 2020. (link in French)

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Call for papers: "Inclusive society: Discourses, practices and controversies" for the CNAV journal Gérontologie et société (Gerontology and society). Deadline for submission: December 14, 2020.

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HEC Paris, Ecole Polytechnique and Science Po are organizing an online hackathon from 10 to 12 April 2020 on the Covid-19 crisis which will focus on helping healthcare professionals, governmental institutions, businesses and communities.

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Call for papers : "Ageing and Territory" for the new project on Vulnerabilities at Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS) in Lille. Deadline for submission: May 27, 2020. (link in French)

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Books, Articles & Working Papers

In a June 2020 NBER article, Papageorge et al. examine the factors predicting individual behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. They suggest that the burden of measures designed to stem the pandemic are unevenly distributed across socio-demographic groups in ways that affect behavior and thus potentially the spread of illness.

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In a June 2020 NBER article, Blundell, Borella, Commault and De Nardi demonstrate how, in old age, consumption can fluctuate because of shocks to available resources and because health shocks affect utility from consumption. Particularly, they find that even temporary drops in income and health are associated with drops in consumption.

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The Institut Français des Seniors (French Institute for Seniors) has published a survey carried out from 30 April to 4 May 2020 among 3 generations of French seniors on how they have experienced the lockdown and how they envision the future, revealing the difficulties as well as the advantages encountered during this period.

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In a May 2020 NBER article, Rauh, Stefanescu and Zeldes study the behavior of Companies that freeze defined benefit pension plans saving long term payroll.

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In a May 2020 NBER an article, Olivia S. Mitchell explores solutions to make retirement systems more resilient, especially after the Covid-19 shock .

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In a May 2020 NBER article, Ridley, Rao, Schilbach and Patel demonstrate the causal relations between poverty, depression and anxiety. We must seek a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these causal effects.

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In an April 2020 NBER article, Goldstein and Lee estimates the epidemics' (Covid-19 and others) impact on life expectancy and remaining life-years.

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In an April 2020 NBER article, Glover, Heathcote, Krueger and Ríos-Rull examine how the economic interests driven by workers, and the health interests driven by retirees –which diverge– can influence the optimal policy response to stem the Covid-19 pandemic.

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