"C’est injustice de voir qu’un père vieux, cassé et demi - mort jouisse seul, à un coin du foyer, des biens qui suffiraient à l’avancement et entretien de plusieurs enfants, et qu’il les laisse cependant, par faute de moyens, perdre leurs meilleures années sans se pousser au service public et connaissance des hommes." Les Essais II, Montaigne

Le Réseau EIDLL "Économie Internationale de la Longévité", créé en 2018, regroupe 26 centres de recherche et 4 institutions affiliées en économie du vieillissement pour contribuer au développement de la recherche et des échanges sur le sujet.

Plus d'informations : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

"It is unjust to see an aged father, broken (or in his dotage) and only half alive, stuck in his chimney-corner with the absolute possession of enough wealth to help and maintain several children, allowing them all this time to waste their best years without means of advancement in the public service and of making themselves better known." Les Essais II, Montaigne

The "International Longevity Economics" (EIDLL) Network was created in 2018. It gathers 26 research centres and 4 affiliated institutions in ageing econoomics. Its aim is to favour exchanges and foster research on ageing economics.

More at : http://www.tdte.fr/research-area/presentation/reseau-eidll

January 16, 2025

Debates & News

Conference "Transforming the future of ageing in Europe" organised by the Science Advice for Policy (SAPEA), the European Federation of Medical Academies (FEAM) and the Foundation of the Academy of Medicine on 27 June from 14h to 18h at the National Academy of Medicine, Paris, France.

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"The TDTE Chaire launches a discussion on pension reform" on May 27th, at Caisse des Dépôts

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Summer School PANORisk "At the frontiers of risk: method and analysis of decision", from June 11th to June 14th, at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Nantes. On the first day, round tables will focus on Ageing Society.

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17th International Conference on Pension, Insurance and Savings, 27th and 28th of May 2019, University Paris Dauphine


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Books, Articles & Working Papers

The older population is spreading all around the world. This expansion questions the roles and well-being of elderly. Well-being must be the ulimate goal of individuals and public policy. The EIDLL network published a Survey which explores the relationship between well-being and ageing. The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of “ageing well” and to review a set of factors impacting seniors well-being. 

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"L'Erreur de Faust: Essai sur la Société du Vieillissement" introduces a completely new concept : Ageing Society. It is a concept of rupture: a quarter to a third of the population will spend nearly a third of their lives in retirement. It will abruptly change economic trajectories, investment horizons, social an political balances. This large population, educated will not sit idly and will weigh on the governance of our societies.

The authors, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, François-Xavier Albouy and Alain Villemeur, suggest radical solutions to achieve a harmonious Ageing Society.

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The paper "Older adult social participation and its relationship with health: rural-urban differences" written by E.M Volgelsang examines whether there are rural-urban differences in older adult social participation and its relationship with health. Using the 2003 and 2011 waves of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (n=3006), the author find that older adults living in rural counties are less socially active than their counterparts in more-urban counties. Moreover, the relationships between social participation and health vary by the type of activity and rural-urban context.

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